No-Heat Checklist

What do you do if your heating system suddenly stops working? Don’t panic! Use this No-Heat Checklist to troubleshoot your oil heating equipment at home. There could be a simple solution! Please, only follow the steps listed below. If none of the below troubleshooting tips help restore heat in your home, contact Atlantic Oil Company immediately by calling (978) 388-1415.

No-Heat Checklist for Heating Oil Customers

Check Your Fuel Tank

Check to make sure you have fuel in your oil tank. Also, make sure that your fuel oil tank gauge is working properly. If you have run out of oil, call Atlantic Oil right away at (978) 388-1415.

Check Your Thermostats

Check that all thermostats in your home are turned up and switched to the ON or HEAT position. If your thermostat is battery-operated, try replacing them with fresh batteries.

Check The Emergency Switch

Go to your heating system and check to make sure the emergency switch is on. Typically, an emergency switch can be found at the top of the basement stairs and on your burner itself.

Check The Circuit Breaker

Check the circuit breaker in your home, making sure the breaker associated with your heating system is on.

Push The Reset Button - ONLY ONCE!

If your heating system fails to start, press the reset button on the system ONE TIME.

Call Atlantic Oil

If none of the above steps help to restore heat in your home, call Atlantic Oil at (978) 388-1415 immediately and we will dispatch one of our service technicians to help solve your problem.

If you need assistance with your oil heating equipment, you can count on Atlantic Oil. Our service technicians are highly experienced and readily available to assist you. Please call our office directly at (978) 388-1415 for any immediate heating service needs.